

April 2015


Heart to Heart

08 wof pic1Snatching Victory From Defeat

// Kenneth W. Hagin

Have you ever noticed in the Word of God that some of the greatest victories came out of what looked like utter defeat? That's what God in His almighty power can do!

Of all the people mentioned in the Word, the greatest man of faith of all time Who snatched victory from defeat is Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Jesus was falsely accused and sentenced to death. He was alone and forsaken, rejected of men. As He hung on the cross at Calvary, He breathed His last and said, "It is finished!



The Easter Story


// Kenneth W. Hagin

As we look down the long corridor of human history, we see many dark days. One of the darkest days recorded was the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ. It may sound like a paradox, but this day was also a bright day.

It was a dark day for Mary, the mother of Jesus, and the disciples who walked closely with Him. The disciples had just eaten the Passover meal with Jesus, and now He was gone. Why didn't He use His power to get out of that situation? If He was dead, could everything He said be true? Could they have hope for the future if Jesus was in the grave?


A New Garment




One Wednesday night many years ago, I did not want to go to church. I'd had a bad day and was depressed. I'm usually not depressed, so if I'm depressed, it's
really bad.

That night I just wanted to stay at home. I didn't tell anybody how I felt because the Word says we're snared by the words of our mouth (Prov. 6:2). I have learned to keep my mouth shut when I'm having a bad day. 


What's So Great About Being Born Again


// Kenneth E. Hagin

Being born again—accepting Jesus as Savior—is the key that
unlocks all the promises of God. Second Corinthians 5:17 says, "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature [creation]: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." Believers, here are some Bible facts about the new creation you are in Christ


What's In Your Boat


// Craig W. Hagin

"Life is a journey, so enjoy the ride." Have you ever heard that saying before? I think it holds a lot of truth. God has a journey that He wants each of us to go on. He has a plan and a purpose that He expects us to fulfill. He didn't put us on this earth just to sit around, eat Cheerios, and do nothing. But the deal is, we've got to stop worrying about the storms that arise on our journey and start enjoying the ride. We should not make the storms our storms