

Winter Bible Seminar 2013 - Final Update 4

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Winter Bible Seminar 2013 ended on a high note Friday. In her final 10:30 a.m. message, Lynette Hagin taught from Hebrews 12:1, in which we are told to "lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us." If something in our life is not a "wing"—facilitating God's plan for us—it is a weight, hindering that plan. We need to take inventory of our lives, identify what hinders us, and throw it aside.


Winter Bible Seminar 2013 - Update 1

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“This is going to be a great week,” Kenneth W. Hagin told the Winter Bible Seminar crowd Sunday night. And he kicked things off by encouraging the congregation to be world changers. The Bible is full of stories about unqualified people, he said. But God qualified them, and He’ll qualify you if you’ll only trust in Him. What God sees in you is more powerful than what you see in yourself.


The Last Word Wins

Article Pic1// Kenneth W. Hagin

Whether we realize it or not, words can be weapons. And most of us have found ourselves embroiled at some time in a war of words, even if we would never fight with our fists. Words can be more powerful than a boxing punch and cut more deeply than any knife. When used as weapons, words are able to mutilate and destroy.


Winter Bible Seminar 2013 - Update 2

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Many people have come to Winter Bible Seminar 2013 expecting a move of God, and He has been honoring their expectations. Lynette Hagin is speaking at 10:30 a.m. all this week. Monday she focused on the importance of holding on to the foundational truths of God's Word. "This is our victory book," she said, "and we need to keep it before us at all times." The more grounded we are in biblical truths, the stronger we will be able to stand when adverse circumstances come. "I have never seen such battles as those that Christians are facing right now," she said, "but God will cause us to win them all."


Practicing Peace and Goodwill

Christmas Pic// Lynette Hagin

This month is most likely one of your busiest seasons of the year. If your schedule is anything like mine, we cram events, parties, and visiting friends and relatives into December more than any other month. We decorate our homes inside and out to celebrate the Christmas season. Because of our busy schedules, we tend to be overworked and sleep deprived. In the midst of this, it is very easy for us to become cranky and critical of those around us.