

September 2015


Heart to Heart

08 wof pic1Faith Knows No Defeat

// Kenneth W. Hagin

Have you ever asked yourself, "What's the use?" You felt as if you were down for the count and about to be defeated. Maybe you're feeling that way right now. I want to encourage you—don't quit! Rely on God and keep going in faith. Your success is not far off.


Jesus The Answer To Your Problems

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// Craig Hagin

JESUS IS ALWAYS the answer. He's the answer before and during our problems. He does not change (Heb. 13:8). He will do everything the Word says He will do.

Romans 10:13 (NKJV) says,
"'Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.' " Most of us probably think of this as a salvation scripture—and it is. Jesus is our Savior, and one day we'll be in Heaven with Him. But He is not just our Savior ultimately. Jesus is our Savior in any situation we're going through.


Can the Word Heal You?

can the word

Timeless Teaching

// Kenneth E. Hagin

There is a healing anointing that's available today to heal sick bodies. And we can tap into that healing flow by faith. But did you know we can get the same results even when that anointing is not in manifestation? We can receive healing anytime by acting in faith on the Word.



The Word: Handle With Caution

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 // Rhema College Weekend Instructor Highlight

James 1:22 tells us that we don't want to be just hearers of the Word. We want to be doers. But what does that look like? And how can we be sure we handle the Word correctly? Here are some cautions—some do's and don'ts—we should watch out for as we handle this Word of life.


Crisscrossing the Globe


Rhema Haiti Graduation
Charter class graduations are always exciting. Rhema Haiti's first commencement was especially touching. On November 1, 2012—less than two years after a devastating 7.0 earthquake struck this island nation—Rhema Haiti opened its doors. It may not have seemed like a good time to start a Bible school. Much of Haiti's capital city, Port-au-Prince, looked as though recovery had barely started.