

May 2015


10 Tips to Help You In Life.


// Craig W. Hagin

1. Enjoy the ride.
Often we try to figure out what
God has for us next on our journey. But we need to enjoy where we are.

2. Run your race, not somebody else's.
It's not about anybody else's journey—it's about your journey. What God has called you to do is for you. It's not for anybody else. Don't compare yourself with others.



Heart to Heart

08 wof pic1You Have a Destiny

// Kenneth W. Hagin

You have a destiny. Did you know that? God cares so much about you that He has prepared a special plan for your life. Jeremiah 29:11 says He has “ ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future’ ” (NIV). You are alive right now for a specific reason and purpose.

What were you born to be and do? Ephesians 2:10 says, “We are God’s workmanship, CREATED IN CHRIST JESUS TO DO GOOD WORKS, which God prepared in advance for us to do” (NIV 1984).


Want Your Finances to Prosper?


// Kenneth E. Hagin

There is a law of sowing and reaping in both the natural and the spiritual realms. And it's a law that works! Yet many believers have not realized and understood the importance of this biblical principle, especially in the area of finances.

We know we can receive our needs met by faith in God's Word, just as we can receive healing or any other blessing found in God's Word by faith in that Word.


Blast Your Way Out Of the Valley


// Kenneth W. Hagin

It's a beautiful sight to stand on a mountaintop and look down into a valley. But it's a different perspective altogether when you're in that dark valley trying to get up to the mountaintop!

We have probably all had "valley experiences" or times of trouble and hardship. But it is possible to get out of those valleys. God wants us to live continually on the mountaintop of His victory in Jesus Christ!


Cowboy Preachers




The rugged wilderness of northeastern Nevada offers crystalline lakes, majestic mountains, and spectacular scenery. It's a place where the morning silence is broken by chirping birds, buzzing flies, and lowing cattle. It's also the place Bo Lowe, a 1994 Rhema Bible Training College grad, and his wife, Cathy, call home.

In the summer of ’92, after seriously seeking the Lord, Bo had an encounter with Him on a lonely
dirt road. Bo had loaded salt blocks for livestock in the back of his truck and was headed down the dusty road with a broken heart. He thought God didn’t care about him enough to talk to him the way He spoke to others.