

Feb/March 2015


Heart to Heart Feb/March 2015

08 wof pic1Love That Turns Dreams Into Realities

// Kenneth W. Hagin

Most word of faith people today are not missing it in their confessions. They're not missing it in knowing what the Word of God says. They're not missing it in believing the Word. They are missing it by not knowing how to walk in love.

You see, faith is the hand that takes the things we need from God. But Galatians 5:6 says faith works by love. We can't do anything without love.



How Well Do You Know God?


// Kenneth W. Hagin

We each have a divine destiny. But before we study what God has planned for us, we should take the time to get to know the One Who gave us the destiny in the first place. It's important that we know Who God is.


Go Ahead and Rejoice

CAMP SpeakerHL



Psalm 118:24 says, "This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it." The Good News Translation says, "This is the day of the Lord's victory; let us be happy,
let us celebrate!" I want to ask you, "Are you ready to celebrate?"

See, your celebration—your rejoicing—is first of all a demonstration of your revelation. If you have revelation knowledge of what Jesus has done for you in His death, resurrection, and triumph, it's easy to get happy. Jesus took your sin and



Building Men Of Character


// A Call to Arms Review

"A Call to Arms" went out and hundreds of men answered.
They gathered on the Rhema campus in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, in November for Kenneth W. Hagin's annual men's conference. Speakers challenged and encouraged them to be God's men—learning how to live and lead His way and leave a godly legacy. Here are highlights. And be sure to save the date for A Call to Arms 2015, November 5–7.


The Open Door of Healing


// Kenneth E. Hagin

TimeLess Teachings

Jesus has opened many doors of blessing for His people. He not only opened the door of salvation, He also opened the door of healing. Jesus opened this door, and no man can shut it.

Isaiah prophesied that the coming Messiah would bear the sicknesses and diseases of us all. When he spoke, he was looking into the future.