You Don’t Have to Be Perfect to Be a Soulwinner
Have you ever wanted to lead somebody to the Lord, but were afraid because you didn’t feel “qualified” enough to do so? Or you hesitated because you couldn’t quote the entire Bible?
Have you ever wanted to lead somebody to the Lord, but were afraid because you didn’t feel “qualified” enough to do so? Or you hesitated because you couldn’t quote the entire Bible?
By Kenneth E. Hagin
(Editor’s Note: The following is taken from Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin’s book I Believe in Visions. Rev. Hagin was ministering in Rockwall, Texas, in 1950 and had an open vision in which Jesus spoke to him about being a soulwinner.)
Jesus was standing there, and I stood in His Presence. He was holding a crown in His hands. This crown was so extraordinarily beautiful that human language cannot begin to describe it.
By Kenneth E. Hagin
Some years ago, I was studying what the New Testament has to say about the authority of the believer. I wasn’t even thinking about my unsaved relatives. While reading Second Corinthians 4:4, however, I saw where Paul said that the god of this world, Satan, has blinded the minds of those who are lost. I began to see something.
By Kenneth E. Hagin
During my years in ministry, one of the questions most frequently asked of me is about how to get unsaved loved ones saved. This is my advice based on God’s Word.