News Updates from April 1968
Below are the updates and information that was published in the very first The Word of Faith, published in 1968.
Tapes and Books:
Tapes on Seminar Available
If you were not privileged to attend the last Seminar here in Tulsa, you can still receive the inspiration and instruction in the Word that we who were present received, through the miracle of tapes and your recorder. The entire 10-day series is ready on either 7-inch reel, 3-3/4 speed, or 5 inch reel at 1-7/8 speed. The entire series for only $28.00, or $3.00 for the day meetings, and $4.00 for the evening services (if you prefer to order a few services only). Send your order right away.
New Tape - The Name of Jesus
A new tape on The Name of Jesus is now available, of which Brother Harrison says, it is his favorite of the tapes to date, and as you know there are many. he would like all to know that they now have a new process for making the tapes BETTER than before, so you will from now on always receive quality tapes when you order. The price of the tape THE NAME OF JESUS is $4.00.
Scandinavian Airlift
Brother Hagin has been invited to conduct a five-day crusade in Stockholm, Sweden and may be privileged to visit Russia, so he feels led of the Lord to go on the Airlift with the Businessmen, which will be leaving soon. If the Lord leads to help on their travel expense, please send your offering and mark it "airlift."
New Books
Brother Hagin has felt the Lord urging him to get this faith message out in book form as fast as possible, and therefore we offer the newest book printed. JUST OFF THE PRESS! THE KEY TO SCRIPTURAL HEALING, the price is only .50 . In this new book Brother Hagin deals with wrong interpretation of the Scriptures relative to divine healing, showing us how our own ideas, and religious traditions have defeated us in our prayer for healing of the body through faith. With his usual simple logic he shows us how to press our claim, based on the Word of God, for complete deliverance. If you need healing this book is for you!
Three More Books Planned for This Year
With communism and Godless atheism covering the globe with books of unbelief, we feel it imperative to publish good literature. Therefore we plan to publish three or four more new books this year. The cost on each is around $600.00, so you can see that in order to reach this 1968 goal of publishing the Word through the printed page we will definitely need your prayers and support. Your standing with us in all the various ramifications of this world-wide ministry will be greatly appreciated. We know that you cannot pray intelligent-unless we take the time to tell you all about our plans.
One of the troubles of our age is that mere human signposts don't lead to any real eternal destination.
Summer Seminar
Aug. 9th - 18th
The date set for the Summer Seminar in Tulsa has been set for August 9th, through August 18th. So why not begin now to make your vacation plans to be with us? We'll be expecting friends from several states to come, and your presence will be deeply appreciated also. join us in prayer that God will make this the very best meeting yet. Brother Hagin will be ministering as usual in his own inimitable manner.
Study Course
The 24 faith lessons just concluded have now been incorporated into a FAITH BIBLE STUDY COURSE, and bound in a nice cover for your convenience. If you have already had these you may wish to recommend them to a friend. Where can anyone get greater teaching on this all important subject than through the ministry of Rev. Kenneth Hagin! He has dealt with such subjects as: What Faith Is, How Faith Comes, What It Means To Believe With The Heart, how To Write Your Own Ticket With God, Doubt, Thief Of God's Greater Blessings, How To Train The Human Spirit, How To Turn Your Faith Loose, Seven Steps To The Highest Kind of Faith, You Can Have What You Say, etc. The entire FAITH BIBLE STUDY COURSE FOR ONLY $5.00. (Or you may order them for only .25 cents per lesson.)
How tragic it is that men are finding out in this affluent society that without Christ there is plenty to live on, but not much to live for.
The Lord seems to be opening the door of Radio to Brother Hagin's teaching ministry, and already two stations are carrying the program. K.S.K.Y., in Dallas, and K.V.O.D., in Albuquerque. Won't you pray about sponsoring, or helping to sponsor a program on your local radio station for a few months. Ask the Lord what He would have you do. Your cards and letters will encourage the heart of His servant. write him today. Do it now!
Plans were inaugurated at the first of the year to try and pay off the complete indebtedness of $22,500 remaining yet on the headquarters building. A great many faith pledges were received, but not enough to cover the whole thing. There are always those who pledge, but are hindered from following through, so we need your help at this time if we are to reach this goal by the end of the year as planned. Please pray and ask the Lord how much he would have you send as a monthly pledge on this need. All pledges large or small will be greatly appreciated. Won't you write and let us know how the Lord is leading you.
When you take the word "serve" out of "service" all you have left is "ice." Faith makes the uplook good, the outlook bright, and the future glorious.