Winter Bible Seminar & Rhema Homecoming 2023
A Week of Refreshing and Revival!
The sound of revival rang loud at Winter Bible Seminar as attendees were refreshed in their souls. Throughout the week, there was an urgency to pass the torch of revival, faith and the power of God to the next generation. As the Rhema family poured out their hearts in worship and prayer, the Holy Spirit made it clear that revival is for every generation, both young and old.
Make plans to join us next year for Winter Bible Seminar and Rhema Homecoming, February 18-23. Here are some highlights from the week.
Speaker Highlights
"Times of conflict and betrayal can drain us and cause our spiritual tanks to run dry. Periodically, we have to fill up the tank in our vehicles, and we have to do the same thing spiritually. God has a vast supply that never runs out. Ephesians 5:18 AMPC says, "Ever be filled and stimulated by the Holy Spirit." Being filled and refreshed is an ongoing action." // Kenneth W. Hagin
"Usually, God asks you to do things you don't want to do so you can lean on His ability. If you will lean on and trust in Him, He will give you the solution for everything you encounter. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you! The Lord will prepare you for things to come if you are sensitive to Him." // Lynette Hagin
"A lot of people in church today are like the people that laid around the pool of Bethesda. We’re waiting for a move of the Spirit, not realizing we live under the new covenant. We don't have to wait on Jesus to show up at our church or anywhere else because He's already on the inside of us!" // Craig W. Hagin
"I am convinced there are moves of the Holy Spirit that we've never seen because we haven't let it happen. We're limiting Him to only move in the ways we have seen in the past. But if we will shatter that box and get into God's presence and worship Him in Spirit and truth, He will do things we've never seen. Things that will blow our minds." // Denise Hagin Burns
Don't Miss a Moment!
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