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Facing Crossroads

3 Jan2018 KWH SinglePg// Kenneth W. Hagin

CROSSROADS. Everyone encounters them during their lifetime. A CROSSROAD IS A PLACE OF DECISION THAT AFFECTS THE COURSE OF OUR LIVES. North or south, east or west. Which path will we take—God's will or our own ways? It's up to us.

Jacob faced a crossroad when he wrestled with the angel at Peniel (Gen. 32:24). Jesus faced a crossroad when He struggled with His soul in the Garden of Gethsemane (Matt. 26:36–42).

In Proverbs 3:5–6, King Solomon wrote: "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." When facing a crossroad, we need to wait on God until we can move forward with confidence that He is directing our path. The Bible says, "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death" (Prov. 14:12 NKJV).

Just because a certain course of action seems right doesn't guarantee that it is right. A path may seem unpleasant or contrary to what we would think is best. But that does not mean it is wrong. We must, therefore, trust in the Lord and not lean to our own understanding or insight. We must rest assured that God knows the end from the beginning. He will lead us in the way that is best for us.

Because of our finite nature, we are limited in our understanding. EVEN WHAT WE SEE AND THINK WE KNOW CAN BE VERY DIFFERENT FROM WHAT IS ACTUALLY TRUE. Only an all-wise, all-knowing, and all-loving God can be trusted to provide the very best for us in every area of our lives.

We must ask ourselves one important question when facing a crossroad: Will the path we choose fulfill God's plan for our lives? Or is it a path that follows our own reasoning for what we want out of life?

Deciding to obey God's will puts us in a position to hear and receive His guidance for the course and direction of our lives. It keeps us calm in the midst of chaos. It brings us through to victory in the face of defeat. True obedience must be more than a one-time action; it must be a lifestyle.

In true obedience, the element of humility is always present. Not the false humility people "put on" to influence what others might think of them. Genuine humility is from the heart and is the result of true obedience. Humility keeps our heart tender and pliable before God so we are always willing to say, "Lord, not my will, but Your will be done."

If we walk in obedience before God consistently, we will be sensitive to the Holy Spirit's leading and instruction. OBEDIENCE INCREASES THE ANOINTING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT and expands the measure of God's grace upon our lives. Disobedience decreases the anointing and limits the measure of grace we operate in.

When we stand at a crossroad in life and make the decision to obey God—no matter what we may see, think, or feel—we'll be able to hear the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit say, "This is the way, walk in it" (Isa. 30:21 NKJV).

[Editor's Note: This article was adapted from Kenneth W. Hagin's devotional book From a Pastor's Heart.]