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Three days of fun, laughter, soul-searching, and encouragement

rsc thumbRhema Singles Conference 2012: Flying Solo

Hundreds of singles converged on the Rhema Campus in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, on March 29 for “Flying Solo,” three days of fun, laughter, soul-searching, and encouragement.

In his kickoff message, conference host Brent Bailey urged singles not to worry about their future. “God’s not done with you yet!” Brent said. “God has not put you out to pasture. He has a future that you have yet to experience. . . . Dream and see a future from where you are of what you were born to be.”


Guest speaker Christine Martin exhorted, “Enjoy your singlehood now on the way to where you’re going.” Guest speaker Dr. Dave Martin told the group, “Bring the best ‘you’ to all relationships.” Workshops concentrated on helping singles to be whole and encouraged them to keep their focus on God.

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Throughout the weekend, the attendees also had a blast at the different social mixers, whether it was singing karaoke at the Ice Cream Social or making new friends at the Appetizer Mixer. Desperation Band led the group in passionate worship Friday night. One thing is certain, everyone left uplifted and refreshed and excited about their future.