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Winter Bible Seminar 2012 - Update 5


Thursday, February 23. RBTC USA Dean Tad Gregurich delivered a thought-provoking message on the subject of honor in the 8:30 a.m. session. Honor can be defined as “to place value on something; to esteem; to receive.” To dishonor means “to treat as common.” “Don’t take lightly what God has made you a part of,” he said. “What you fail to honor, you will fail to receive from.”

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In the 9:30 a.m. session, Rhema Zambia Director Walker Schurz ministered on the subject of fruitfulness and standing firm no matter the circumstances. Hard times come to everyone, but that doesn’t mean we can quit. “Paul determined before he started that he would finish,” he said. “God’s not done shaping and molding your life.”

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“Stir it up,” Lynette Hagin urged Thursday morning’s Winter Bible Seminar attendees. “Stir up that passion—that gift of God—on the inside of you!” She went on to explain that we stir ourselves up by meditating on the Word of God. Instead of dwelling on the past, we must press on in Him. We must dwell on the now! God is with us, and He’ll give us the wisdom, strength, and direction that we need.

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“Tramp, tramp, tramp. What is that sound that I hear? It is the sound of many feet. It is the sound of beautiful feet.” Many are familiar with this prophetic utterance Kenneth E. Hagin gave in 1979. And during Thursday night’s Parade of Nations video presentation, it was hard to keep a dry eye as we saw how the beautiful feet of Rhema graduates are impacting nations throughout the world. Before Rhema Bible Training Center began, Kenneth E. Hagin often cried, “How am I going to get this message out?” Little did he know that nearly 60,000 Rhema graduates would help carry out his mandate from God to “go teach My people faith.”

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