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Winter Bible Seminar 2012 - Update 3

wbs12-tuesdayTuesday, February 21. In the 8:30 a.m. session, Joe Duininck asked the congregation, “What in the world are you doing?” There are things in the world for believers to do, but are we doing them? One of Rev. Duininck’s keys for “doing life well” was to be careful with what moves us. He said, “The love of God and compassion need to be the driving forces that move us in this world.”

Joe Purcell, Director of Rhema Singapore, focused in the 9:30 a.m. session on living a life dedicated and consecrated to God. Sharing stories from his time in missions, he taught on the benefits of living for Him. “Sin makes you a target for the curse of the law,” he said, “but justification makes you a magnet for the blessings of God.”

Continuing along a line similar to Joe Purcell’s, Lynette Hagin told the Winter Bible Seminar morning crowd, “We need to live godly, holy lives. And God has given us everything we need to do that.” She encouraged attendees to take advantage of the things God has promised believers in His Word. To do that, she said, we must know Him. “It’s so important that you immerse yourself in getting to know the Father. Then you’ll be like Him and His words will come out of your mouth in every situation.”

As the service closed, Lynette urged the crowd to come to the altar or kneel at their seats. “It’s preparation time,” she said. “And God is going to show Himself to you personally this week.”

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The Apostle Paul said, “My speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power” (1 Cor. 2:4). Tuesday night God demonstrated His power among those in the Rhema Bible Church auditorium. First, members of the former Rhema Singers & Band energized the atmosphere with some old but powerful favorites. Then the place went wild. Many people took off running. Others danced and spun in the aisles, and some even rolled on the floor! As Kenneth W. Hagin went through the crowd, instead of laying hands on people, he began slinging his suit jacket on them. Through the power of God, many were slain in the Spirit and others began dancing. The healing power of God permeated the air so strongly that people only had to reach out and take whatever they needed!

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