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Winter Bible Seminar 2012 - Update 2

wbs12-mondayMonday, February 20.  “Have you ever questioned God?” Karen Jensen kicked off the Winter Bible Seminar 2012 morning services by asking the congregation that question. We all go through rough patches in our lives, she noted. “When you have questions, focus on what you do know. You can trust God, because He is trustworthy.”

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In the 9:30 a.m. session Monday, Rhema Quebec Director Ken Taylor ministered on walking out God’s plan for our lives. In his powerful, practical message, he said that we are responsible to do things in the natural, and God  takes care of the supernatural. “No word from God is impossible of fulfillment or without power,” he said (Luke 1:37 Amplified). “It will always take the Holy Spirit for you to be able to accomplish the plan of God for your life.” 

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“God has given us all the equipment we need to live successful, godly lives,” Lynette Hagin told the Winter Bible Seminar morning attendees. But it’s up to us to use those “power tools”—God’s Word and prayer. We must stay sensitive to the Lord, get His direction for our lives, and instantly obey Him. God is able and willing to help us, but we must commune with Him.

Following her message, Lynette urged the crowd to get on their faces before God—to thank Him and praise Him for all He has done. “Press in and ask Him what’s in your next season,” she encouraged. “Allow Him to pour into you what He knows you need.”

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Kenneth W. Hagin spoke to the “family” Monday evening. He repeatedly exhorted those in the crowd to “stay in your place.” Some people in the Body of Christ try to do things God hasn’t called them to or equipped them for, he said. But God places us as He pleases, so we shouldn’t try to be something He never planned us to be. It’s so important that we discover our place in the Body and begin to function there. For it’s when we find our places and stay in them that we’ll reap the end-time harvest.

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