

Saving the Lost and Dying

Lana VasquezLana Vasquez Is Reaching One Child at a Time

Many RHEMA Bible Training Center graduates are like the Apostle Paul. They see people around the world who are lost and dying without Christ. And the love of God inside them compels them to go. Lana Vasquez is one such graduate. After receiving her RBTC diploma in 2000, she heard the heart cry of children who are being sold into prostitution or child slavery in Southeast Asia.

The first child Lana rescued from the clutches of human traffickers was 9-year-old Joy.* The young girl’s mother had three daughters and no means of support other than begging. It’s common in Thailand for parents to have their small children beg for money. But as the kids get older, they don’t bring in as much.

That’s what happened to Joy. Since she wasn’t pulling on the heartstrings of those passing by, she was becoming more of a burden to her mother. And Joy’s mother needed money. In the border towns of Thailand, children are often treated like a commodity. So it was more “profitable” for Joy to be sold to traffickers for slave labor or child prostitution than for her to beg in the marketplace. And besides, Joy’s mother still had two smaller children who could continue to bring in money.

This is where Lana Vasquez stepped in. She learned that Joy was going to be sold and that the traffickers would pay about 16 U.S. dollars for the young girl. Just in time, Lana negotiated and “bought” the youngster for 24 U.S. dollars. Now the young girl is living out of harm’s way in one of Lana’s safe houses. Since that fateful day, Lana has rescued more than 100 children from the horrors of slavery and prostitution.

Not only does Lana provide a way of escape for children through safe homes, an orphanage, an emergency shelter, and a home for older boys, she also preaches the Gospel to rebel soldiers, villagers, and displaced people. Over 40,000 people have escaped the flames of hell in the past nine years through her ministry. (To read more about Lana’s ministry, read the September issue of The Word of Faith.)

*Joy’s name has been changed for her safety.

The 2010–2011 RB­­TC school year started a month ago. Please pray for the students as they train for ministry—that they would know and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit as they prepare to reach a lost and dying world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.