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Lighting Up This Generation

RBTC GraduationRBTC Celebrates 36th Graduating Class

As loved ones cheered and trumpets sounded, 351 second-year and 70 third-year graduates walked expectantly into the Tulsa Convention Center Friday, May 21, to enjoy a night capping their effort, sacrifice, and determination. Among those graduates were 42 international students representing 27 countries.

Joe Cameneti, a 1983 RHEMA graduate and pastor of Believers Christian Fellowship in Warren, Ohio, exhorted the graduates in his commencement address.

“There are three Ps I want to give you that will help you have a successful ministry,” he said. “The first is prayer. Prayer is not a fruitless exercise that God gave us to perform in order to determine whether we’re faithful. Prayer is the vehicle that releases God to move in the earth. No matter what situation we face, when we pray, it’s going to flee before the incredible power of God.

“The second P is people. Jesus made an incredible statement in Mark 10:45: ‘“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many”’ (NKJV). God created us to serve. That’s how we shine our light (2 Cor. 4:6). Remember how important people are to God, and understand the impact we can have as we lay our lives down and begin to serve.

“The final P is perseverance. Matthew 13:20–21 says that persecution and troubles come because you and I receive the Word. The devil will come to steal the Word and try to cause us to back down. Having done all to stand, we must stand therefore (Eph. 6:13–14). No matter what comes at us, we must stand our ground and never stop.

“So never back down! Don’t let the devil say you can’t. You can! The thing God created you to do, you will do! And you will rock and shake this world! Whatever God has spoken to your heart, I encourage you to walk on the water as Peter did and watch God be God.”

Following Rev. Cameneti’s address, the graduates came forward one by one to receive red track-and-field relay batons. The runner’s batons symbolized their commitment to run their race, take their place in the end-time revival, and carry the message of faith they received at RHEMA to their generation.

After a final charge to the class by Kenneth W. Hagin from the Word and the benediction given by Craig W. Hagin, graduates marched out—batons in hand and candles held high—ready to go into the world and light it up for God.