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A Call to Arms 2024 Highlights

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A Call to Arms 2024 Highlights

The A Call to Arms Men's Conference, themed "Going Over," inspired attendees to live courageously and faithfully. Kenneth W. Hagin challenged the men to go beyond what is comfortable and expected and apply the going over mindset. He called on them to embody Christ's example of love, integrity, generosity, faithfulness, forgiveness, and commitment in every area of life to honor God and leave a powerful legacy.

During the two days, there was an emphasis on facing challenges head-on and trusting God for strength. The men were reminded to make God's Word the foundation of their lives and let it guide their responses in every situation. They were encouraged to reject fear, knowing victory is already won through Christ. With powerful reminders that God's strength is within, men left empowered to embrace their roles with confidence, purpose, and faith.

Be sure to save the date for A Call to Arms 2025, November 6-7.


Speaker Highlights

"We, as men of faith, are called to a higher standard. We are surrounded by mindsets of shortcuts and self-centeredness and to do the minimum to get by. But Christ calls on us to live differently, to go beyond what is expected."
// Kenneth W. Hagin

"There will be times in life when something rocks your world. Remember Jesus words, 'Be not afraid, only believe' (Mark 5:36). The Greater One lives in you, and He gives you overwhelming victory if you will only believe."
// Craig W. Hagin

"For our hearts to remain open and uncontaminated, there needs to be an intimacy with the Word of God. It needs to be personal. It needs to stay in the center of our hearts. It can't just be a scripture on the fridge."
// Paul Cavenah

"There will be a time in your life when you're facing Goliath. And when you beat him, it's going to open doors. But you have to do the work. You have to go on that narrow road where nobody's watching. What's done in secret will come to light if you do it God's way."
// Adrian Griffin

"God gave us something to do, and we want to be faithful to do that, not what He gave somebody else to do. We want to hear when we stand before Jesus, 'Well done, good and faithful servant.' "
// Jim Preston