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Winter Bible Seminar 2013 - Final Update 4

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Winter Bible Seminar 2013 ended on a high note Friday. In her final 10:30 a.m. message, Lynette Hagin taught from Hebrews 12:1, in which we are told to "lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us." If something in our life is not a "wing"—facilitating God's plan for us—it is a weight, hindering that plan. We need to take inventory of our lives, identify what hinders us, and throw it aside.

Rev. Lynette also noted that just a little sin will corrupt and control our walk with the Lord. Sin includes the obvious, such as pornography and lying, but also the less obvious, such as unforgiveness and pride. To stop sinning, we must walk in the Spirit. We do that by listening to godly music, staying in God's Word, finding verses that help us overcome in the areas we struggle with, and quoting these verses every day. In the race of our Christian life, we must keep our eyes focused on the finish line until we cross it.

Earlier Friday morning, Rhema Bible Training College instructor Joe Duininck talked about true freedom. What "freedom" means depends on how we define it. Many people think freedom is the absence of responsibility. But to be free in the Lord, a Christian must embrace godly responsibility. There is great freedom in living a holy life as God's servant.

Then Rick Fern, RBTC instructor and Rhema Bible Church associate pastor, exhorted the WBS crowd based on Hebrews 10:23 to get the word "quit" out of their vocabulary. God's faith never fails. But for it to work for us, we must put His Word in our hearts and speak it. He urged the crowd not to let the devil steal the promises of God they've been standing on.

Children's Services and Youth Winter Blitz

Winter Bible Seminar 2013 was the first with nightly services for Junior Varsity and Varsity Youth. All week, messages and lessons for both youth and children focused on the Name of Jesus and the power that Name gives them to be more than conquerors in life.

For the kids, the messages were encouraging, the praise was enthusiastic, and there were plenty of opportunities to laugh, play games, and get to know each other.

Junior Varsity enjoyed their own services with special times of worship and praise.

Winter Blitz Varsity Youth guest speaker Cliff Graham, a Rhema graduate and traveling missionary to Muslim countries, related how powerful that Name has been on the mission field. He also laid hands on about 20 youth who responded to an altar call for those serious about ministry. Another night, fired up Varsity youth danced and sang praises to the Lord during a time of worship and prayer. Denise Burns, Rhema Bible Church Student Ministries Pastor, invited students to the altar who needed healing from emotional hurts. Winter Blitz ended with a combined JV-Varsity party at the Ninowski Recreation Center.

WBS Prayer & Healing School

Rhema's Prayer & Healing School held special combined services Tuesday through Thursday for Winter Bible Seminar & RBTC Homecoming. Leigh Ann Soesbee, Prayer & Healing Center Director, taught the crowd about who they are in Christ. We are complete in Him, she boldly declared. And we need to make sure we see ourselves the way He sees us . . . through the Word! Right now, she said, we're healthy and whole—whether we feel like it or not—because God's in us. And He's given us all we need to live victorious lives!

As the Word was preached each day, the anointing filled the auditorium and many healings took place. On Tuesday, several legs grew out. On Thursday, after a healing line, hands went up all over the auditorium when Rev. Leigh Ann asked who had already noticed a change in their bodies. The Word works! And as Rev. Leigh Ann noted, "We had fun this week!"

Winter Bible Ends Strong

Friday night, February 22, Kenneth W. Hagin concluded Winter Bible Seminar 2013 week with a powerful healing service. He explained to those in attendance that today is the day of healing, and he encouraged them to come expecting to receive. As people from all over the auditorium did exactly that, God's healing power went to work in their bodies. Many noticed an immediate change.

This service provided a great ending to a powerful week filled with natural and supernatural demonstrations. People came expecting, and it showed as the Holy Spirit moved through Kenneth and Lynette Hagin and all of the other speakers. Many who attended received direction for their lives and were set free from things that had held them in bondage.

It also became abundantly clear that Rhema is moving forward with the plan of God. As Kenneth W. Hagin said Thursday night, "Dad (Kenneth E. Hagin) had a message; we have a mandate. God has a great plan for the world and we all need to find our place and do what we're supposed to do. I'm not pulling back any more—no matter what!"

If you missed any of these amazing services or want to view a service again, check out www.rhema.tv and click on Watch on Demand.

A Look Ahead

Be sure to save the date for these great events! Campmeeting 2013 will be held July 21–26 on the Rhema USA campus in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. And Winter Bible Seminar & Worldwide Homecoming 2014 is scheduled for February 16–21, also on the Rhema USA campus. We'll celebrate RBTC's 40th anniversary. Come expecting!